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*The Talk-A-Lot Girls Club*

Hey!this is A GIRLS ONLY club,so if you're a guy,GET OUT!Anyways girls,here we can talk about ANYTHING!!from crushes to problems,weird stuff,and anime."WE'RE ALL FRIENDS HERE!ps:we dont judge bi/homosexuals

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 1 yr ago


ok girls sit around the camp fire.....marshmellows anyone? anyway here goes the question..what would u do if u wake up one morning...and zombies were attacking ur world(yes i said zombies -_-) what would u do to survive...who would u save.?....someone reply cause im really bored...

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added: 15 yrs ago


i would probably try to either make friends with them *maybe if they don't kill me first that is........^-^'* or kill them with a dagger or a legendary sword or something like that.....anyway, ummm, i would take shelter in a metal house that is the house of many wolfs and foxes that i've known and we are like family because i would protect them and they would protect me too. ^-^ if i had a choice i would save all of my friends if they were around and if they weren't then i would go find them and make sure that they were ok........if they weren't already dead then...............that would be a different story........^-^

added: 15 yrs ago


well it depends on if any1 has survived. If evy1 else in the world was dead, id give up and let them killl me (cause im sure ppl have tried evythign by the time they got to me) but if they were after me specifiacly or if noone died so far, i would take a stick, burn it, and set them in fire. That way i coudl laugh why im watchign them re-die.

added: 15 yrs ago


oh i always ask my friends that 1....I would go and save my lil bro and then i would get my bro and then i would get my friend and go 2 the bigst sooer around and then i would get all the food i can get and then i would go like in a dome and just go from their

added: 15 yrs ago


I would divise a bunch of people (if anyone is still alive) and distroy the zombies!!! And with who to save...THE WORLD!! Well, as many people as I could^^

added: 15 yrs ago


same as tenko1

added: 15 yrs ago


i wud loot a shop 4 food, save my friends mayb my bro's 2 but iff they got 2 us i'd offer my bro's up n run

added: 15 yrs ago


thats a good 1 i would do the same wit mine ecept the 3 year old

added: 15 yrs ago


yea keep the 3yr old, leve the rest 4 the zombies 2 eat lol

added: 15 yrs ago


lol u all are deliciously evil...i will probably hide in the basement and plan an escape...i wouldnt save anyone lol cause they will just hall me back..ill probably use my friends as shields loln_n

added: 15 yrs ago


lol u r 2, u need 2 save sum tho or wen all the zombies die u'l b on ur own n av no1 2 b evil 2 plus u'd get bored......keep em as entertainment lol

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