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*The Talk-A-Lot Girls Club*

Hey!this is A GIRLS ONLY club,so if you're a guy,GET OUT!Anyways girls,here we can talk about ANYTHING!!from crushes to problems,weird stuff,and anime."WE'RE ALL FRIENDS HERE!ps:we dont judge bi/homosexuals

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 1 yr ago

chibola manager

well Ive been thinking every time I say like 'I wish school was over already!!" I want time to pass by fats...but then I think "but that's like saying I want my life to be over faster,like I want to speed up my time"b or something...after all for even htoguh being 40 years old seems like it's never going to happen...somehow...we all reach that age,and can't believe that time flew away that fast,to tell the truth ...I'm TERRIFIED OF DYING!!i'm scared...even though I shouldn't's normal in anime....but when u rly think about's sad...i'm sry for getting u all anybody here afarid of death?

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added: 15 yrs ago


I sure am. I can't even stand looking at blood it scares me waayyyyyyyy to much, but all have to one day there's no way to stop it that's just life right?

added: 15 yrs ago

chibola manager

unfortunately yea...I'm afarid to stop breathig..I mean...I can't hold my breath that much...if I had to choose th way I want to die...I guess it wud be sleeping..

added: 15 yrs ago


same with me.

added: 15 yrs ago


I was afraid of death when I was little, every night i would cry thinking of was a pretty painful time, but i soon got over it. I'm not afraid of death at all, though i can see why other people would be...What I'm more afraid of is someone i know dieing...because the truth is "the ones that suffer the most, are the ones left behind"

added: 15 yrs ago


its okay to wish skool was over! ^^ beign a kid and being old r the best times of our lives! its just middle aged ppl who cant have fun >={, but wishign skool was over can also mean u wern't in skool and u were doing sumthign else with ur tiem that was more fun. and dont worry, i read that "Death is the best gift given to man" and thats probly beacuse u wouldn't want to live forever watchign this beatufill world crash rite b4 ur eyes rite? and go thru all the suffering over and over agin, watchign freinds cum and go. Its beter off to go to a better place. ^^

added: 15 yrs ago


im really scared of diein and getting old i havnt started school yet soo i dont feel that yet but i kno how u feel

added: 15 yrs ago


When you say you wish school was over, do do mean for time to speed up. But when you also say that you also could mean that you never want summer to end.

added: 15 yrs ago


They have stem cell research going on, and it will be put into therapy sessions in the future, but truely I rather die old then die of starvation due to overpopulation from people not dieing. It's all apart of life's cycle. Withought the fear of death, we would all be cocky and iignorant. Besides by the time you live your life to the fullest at the age of 80 or more, you're going to accept it.

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