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Manga Readers + Anime Fans

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 1 yr ago


I personally "love" anime,but there r ppl that don't,so what r they interested in?cuz I ask what else is there 4 me other than anime?does liking anime make u a nerd or a freaky person?cuz in my school I rarely see ppl that like anime?or do they put on an act that they don't like it?what do YOU think of anime?

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added: 15 yrs ago


well i luv anime but no one else really does and they sometimes make fun of me but i dont really care one of my closest friends also reads anime so i always share my new shows with her and we can just talk about it thats y shes liek my bffl but anime and manga rock and ur not weird for liking anime other people r weird for not liking it

added: 15 yrs ago


i think so tooo..i really like manga and anime and i don't care what the other say too....i've got one friend who likes anime too, but she's very choosy...last time we've seen vision of escaflown together:) ahhh..and one questinon:what anime is ya pic from?

added: 15 yrs ago


People are unique; some people like things others hate. We can't all have the same hobbies, right? Personally, I'm addicted to anime, lolz. I know a bunch of people who watch anime and read mangas. I even met girls on the bus who watched Shippuden and Bleach, lolz. But there are only a few friends of mine who love anime as much as me, like this one guy I know who spends all his money on mangas. Lolz, he has one hell of a collection. And no, liking anime doesn't make you a nerd. I've met pretty 'cool' people who liked anime like Yu-Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, DBZ, etc..

added: 15 yrs ago


aha, that's exactly what I thought aswell. To be honest, I don't think anyone knew that I watched anime at my school xD To be honest, it isn't a normal interest, but pfft, so what? Just because a load of other people don't like it doesn't make it nerdy or whatever. Everyone is different and not everyone is going to agree on the things they like but that doesn't stop me ^-^ Anime is awesome, it cures me of my boredom and I've learnt many things about life from some of the ones I watched. They've helped change my perception on things, even life! X3 but thats me I guess...

added: 15 yrs ago


nope. not at all. so what if your obsessed with japenese cartoons? thats just how you are. personally, i think watching mtv is weird. its music television, but wheres the music?? =/

added: 15 yrs ago


I totally agree w/ u all...... we aren't weirdos or nerds we just have some luv for anime maybe cuz of entertainment or bcuz we think it's kool and if other people think that way it's because they haven't got the time or just refuse to experience how awsome an anime can be + they R afraid that they'll be judge just the way ther R doin w/ us

added: 15 yrs ago


I like anime alot but its jus about as weird as being in love with a anime thats not weird at all! ^-^ right?....RIGHT!?!?! XD hahaha!! jk jk Im not in love with one but I mean when u think about it most things are weird we jus kinda get used to them lke what some ppl may do in africa we find super weird here an vice versa for us cause they prolly dont think its weird in japan so lets jus all pretend where there, shall we? lol

added: 15 yrs ago


liking anime doesn't make you a nerd (I'm a nerd, but that's not just because I like anime). Now having a collection of Lucky Star T-shirts, wearing a Naruto headband to school, or writing your own cross anime fanfictions may qualify you as a nerd. But look as it this way, you're no weirder than people who paint themselves blue to go to football games :p

added: 15 yrs ago


no! anime and manga r fine 4 every1! even though theres hardly any1 in any skool who use em', all around the world there's like 5 in evry skool, so 5 divided by evy skool in the world means A WHOLE LOTTA PPL WHO LIKE ANIME! don't worry if they make fun of u, freinds r here! ^^ it's true that sum ppl r called nerds, freaks, ect. but thats just because the only anime they watch r the crappy dubbed versions on t.v. and they dont even know its from another country. THERE THE 1'S WHO DONT APPRECIATE GOOD SHOWS! we take notice, give credit, and watch wats better, it's there fault for missing out, (i think im convincing myself.....)

added: 15 yrs ago


LOL XD, i think there's like 1 in 10 teenagers who still like anime, maybe that's why you/I kinda feel stand-outish, personally the only other person i know who likes anime besides me is my friend's sister, sad reality but it kinda enforces a sense of unity amongst anime/manga fans!! so i'm cool with it

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