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The Last Remnant - Base 1 - Snievan at BR11
This was a really tough fight. Outside the base wasn't difficult especially when my Hexer, Perneth, learned Animalcule but once I moved inside things changed dramatically. One thing is certain, if I hadn't been able to summon Namul Niram there is no way I would have won this battle. At one point, if my memory serves me right, three of my 5 unions were down whilst there were still plenty of minions on the battle field. How on earth I recovered from that amazes me. Anyway, watch for yourself and you'll see what I mean. I started this battle at BR11 but after I had cleared all the enemies outside I rose to BR14 in one jump. That's what happens when you fight too many enemies at once, your BR shoots up. Oh well, never mind, at least I won the battle though I am scratching my head thinking about how I'm going to defeat some of the other bases.
Videos by FF12GrandMaster