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2010's New Anime Zone

This group is for all the bad ass CURRENTLY AIRING anime out there! So post and discuss anything and everything about which ever of them u think is the best, worst, funniest, saddest, or just comment on the new episode!!! Only LATEST episodes and NO repeats, thanks! ^^

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 1 yr ago

rivera-ss13 manager

The 2nd season of Fullmetal Alchemist will air in japan in April(its so far away T~T)! Yeah, i know, not much new info but at least u can start a sort-of D-day counter till April! Here's tha info link:

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added: 15 yrs ago

rivera-ss13 manager

Also, as of right now, the 2nd season of The Tower of Druaga called The Sword of Uruk will be aired in January of next year with a special airing December 28 that will b a complete review of the last season(The Aegis of Uruk). No specific day has been announced but it will air in January. I'm thinking its gonna air sometime during the 1st full week of January but like i said, no official announcement. Here's the info link:

added: 15 yrs ago

rivera-ss13 manager

Kurokami:TheAnimation [picked up by code geass producer sunrise] will start airing on January 8th and from what i know so far its gonna be AWESOME!!! It has a promo vid but u can only watch it with IE and u have to do some playing around with it to get it to work(u have to input some info put everything is in japanese!) so if u have trouble getting it to work just ask me! Here's tha info with vid link:

added: 15 yrs ago

rivera-ss13 manager

More info: A new romantic comedy called Maria Holic is also gonna air in January. Looks like its gonna b a yuri anime O.O! but cuz of the main characters it might not b o_0? idk... here's tha info link: Also, the 3rd season of Minami-ke called Minami-ke:Okaeri will air in January too.

added: 15 yrs ago

rivera-ss13 manager

Forgot to add that the 5th season of Slayers will also air in January and its name is Slayers Evolution R. Here's tha info link for the announcement of the January release of this and 4 others: If anybody has info on any of these anime that i missed or new info on others that aren't here or in the topic "New Fullmetal Alchemist anime!!!" add it!

added: 15 yrs ago


A new romantic comedy anime called Akikan! is going to have it's premiere at January 3rd. here is the info link: It's not for me to decide if it'll be good or not just wait and see

added: 15 yrs ago

rivera-ss13 manager

I've got more info on Kurokami!!! Apparently, the anime is gonna air in Japan, Here, and South Korea simultaneously 0_0! Well not at the same exact time but within 24 hrs of each other... the japanese version will air 8 hours before ours and for all those who like dubbed better than sub, it will air here DUBBED in english! I always give dubs a chance. Having said that, i will probably watch both the dub and sub versions for a couple eps till i decide which i like better :) Here's tha info link: U know... this has got 2 b an amazingly good manga to have gotten a japanese dub, english dub, and korean dub all at the same time! I mean, does anyone know of a manga that has gotten animated in 3 languages and released at the same time!!! I'm serious! ANYBODY know of any?

added: 15 yrs ago


yup, Kurokami is supposed to be the best series next season also I'm hyped for Type Moon latest works which will be an anime soon check it out here (there is no date yet )

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