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2010's New Anime Zone

This group is for all the bad ass CURRENTLY AIRING anime out there! So post and discuss anything and everything about which ever of them u think is the best, worst, funniest, saddest, or just comment on the new episode!!! Only LATEST episodes and NO repeats, thanks! ^^

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rivera-ss13 manager

Alright, if someone placed every single anime out right now in front of u and told that u could only pick one to keep watching which would it be? Ur only allowed to watch the one u pick and you will never get 2 watch the others EVER!!! I quess this is sort of a which anime is ur favorite question lol! And no, ur not allowed to beat tha quy up and take off running with all of them!

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added: 15 yrs ago


One Piece :D I would like to watch that anime one more time, but no time :( new series pops out every minute :P

added: 15 yrs ago

rivera-ss13 manager

Yeah i hear ya man! Personally, i think i would pick bleach... although... wait... maybe... no the other one... but this one... damn!!! lol No seriously though, i would definitely pick bleach cuz its freakin awesome right now and well its the only one that's really had me going crazy over the wait between new eps. All the other series are kinda slow right now but i would definitely, really, and truly hate to miss Casshern Sins, To Aru Majutsu no Index, Toradora, Kannagi, Rosario+Vampire, and Shikabane Hime Aka! Maybe naruto since its been getting pretty good lately.

added: 15 yrs ago


Yeah I'd probably go with Bleach too. The wait between episodes the past few weeks has been killing me! Especially this week after seeing the end of the newest episode; I'm already having withdrawals lol. Plus it's long, so it would take longer for me to get tired of it by watching it over and over lol.

added: 15 yrs ago


What if I kill the guy instead, lol jk. But seriously I have no fucking idea. Ill just keep my fingers crossed that I never run into that kind of situation lol. Now if u said I had to pick one of the new animes that are out then I would probably have to pick 'Gundam 00' just because im a gundam fan and its getting crazy good.

added: 15 yrs ago


My opinions change more often than the weather, but right now I'd say El Hazard: The Magnificent World.. but that's only because I've seen every Tenchi Muyo series/movie/spinoff 40 or 50 times already (except the Pretty Sammy stuff, can't take that too often)

added: 15 yrs ago


Seriously I couldn't decide which one. I would probably take a good one which is going to run vor a long time like Bleach or Naruto but I couldn't live on with just a single one!!

added: 15 yrs ago


I can't decide. X'amd Lost Memories, Index and Tonodra.

added: 15 yrs ago


I think i would pick Naruto.. :D

added: 15 yrs ago


lol altho id probably attempt to beat the guy up animes good for people lol but hmm since only one..... probably eithervampire knight or.... soul eater?

added: 15 yrs ago


well if its anime i would pick lucky star 4 teenage girls doin their thing espesially talkin bout anime themselves haha so freakin funny dat show as 4 da other anime dat i watch i'll read em in manga so yea loophole!!!!!! XD

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