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Tron: Evolution - Reboot the Future
Has the upcoming reboot of Tron inspired you to go back and watch the first film a dozen more times? Why not try a more involving way to enjoy the franchise? Del Chafe, Lead Gameplay Designer for Tron: Evolution, explains that the game will act as a bridge between the plots of the 1982 classic film and the upcoming reboot. The game's storyline covers critical changes to the Tron universe, showcasing darker subject matter than the original movie. Tron: Evolution plays as a third person action game, revolving around light disc based combat. Players can switch between attack modes in order to suit their preferred strategy. The light cycle makes a welcome appearance as well! Game grids within the single player mode feature the iconic bikes, serving to diversify the campaign. If multiplayer is your thing, gladiatorial bike and tank battles should keep you busy. Vehicles and ability load outs for on-foot combat sessions are customizable, allowing players to find their preferred weapon of choice! The version ...
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