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Shinjuku Station

A library for music videos and concert footage from East Asia (Korea/China/Japan/Philippines). Covers and remixes by original people are ok too.

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added: 15 yrs ago


*neko begins disovloing. he wakes up and begins screaming as his body turns to to a black aura and surrounds the demon* Shut up you pussy! Hehe. I made a funny. Get it hes a neko and I called him a pussy. *neko finishes and he stops were he is* now then. shaw continue? *skin starts waving around as his bones move around inside his body. he shirks and takes the form of a small child. skin changes to a like tan color. hair becomes white, short and stiking up. black horns sprout from the his forehead. nails become longer and sharper. eyes become black with 2 blood red slits going side ways. clothes seem to get longer and baggier but they havnt changed at all. the wing that once sat on his back have receaded nto his back and he uses his aura to make a non-gravitainal barrier. tears the pants and sleaves making the pants just reach his feat and tears the shirt off* now then. *looks back at you* lets start this. *smiles*

added: 15 yrs ago


(my last post was little all ove the place. if u want me to redo it i will but im keeping the appeance)

added: 15 yrs ago


oh shit his smaller but i can sense his power has increased i beter find out how strong he is quick

added: 15 yrs ago


*stays in one place and watches you* whats wrong? im just kid a right? *starts chuckling to himself* Well if your not gonna do nuthin. I'l show you what a child is capable of. Even at the distance your at he appearts in front of you almost as if he teleported* speed isnt everything. but it helps. * smaller bodys are better for quicker movments! but it come with the price of strength. u feel pain in ur back but u see him stand in front of you. and what u see suddenly fades and you feel his breath on your ear* it can also malipulate your mind for just enough time to assasonate somone. *backs away* but i wont do that. this is going to be fun. *begins licking the claws he stabed you with* your blood is pretty good. ill be sure to make sure u dont completly die. so i can harvest this sweet nectar from ur body.

added: 15 yrs ago


(Neko's a kid huh, funny. I knew you were immature. Dude, I read the last line of your last post & my mind went straight to the gutter)

added: 15 yrs ago


(-.- i ment blood. tate of cum isnt good. especialy if the guy has too much meat. gets salty. LADIES IF U DECIDED TO SWALLOW. MAKE HIM EAT FRUIT! back on topic on now. yes my char is. but in rl im 17. u think im immuture. meet jacob. my bff. well maybe nor forever but my bf. best freind not boyfreinfd. well he is a boy. XD anyway hes more immuture than i am. and it pisses me off cause he needs to act his age. i just got ADD or sumthin. XD)

added: 15 yrs ago


*After a few minutes I crack open my eyes and see nothing but a blurry figure looming over me.* Voice- Those idiots! How much of it did they use!? *fades back into the darkness*

added: 15 yrs ago


*luks at robe* u fucked up my robe u dick *takes off robe and u see holsters with scrolls in them* lets do this *as i get into fighting postion my robe lands in lava exploding and sending lava flying into the air distracting u* now lets start *sudenly u c me burst thru a huge amount of lava with a sword in my hand*

added: 15 yrs ago


*out distraction he gets nicked on the shoulder* ow shit. that hurt *looks at the bleeding would and his mouth waters. shakes off th remaining distration and see you chargin again, this time he jumps up and grabs alittle of your hair and rips it out* hehe

added: 15 yrs ago


jokes on u *sudenly my other katana flys from behind u and goes thru ur chest but doesnt kill u*

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