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Aloha Bible Prophecy Channel: Mid-East Bible Prophecy: Rumours of War
Our weekly Middle East Bible Prophecy update. This week we talk about how the Bible says that there will be Rumours of War as part of the signs of the last days before the return of Jesus the Christ (Jewish / Hebrew messiah) & this is happening today. It was prophecied by God in the Bible almost 2,000 years ago. This teaching, along with all of JD's weekly Mid-East Bible Prophecy Updates, was originally presented & recorded on Sunday morning before our regular Sunday chapter by chapter & verse by verse Bible teaching. This one was recorded on February 3rd of the year of our Lord 2008. These Teachings are also seen on Olelo & heard on KLHT radio 1040 AM or at or they are downloadable in there entirety from our web site. Matthew 24:5-9 KJV
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