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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

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CNHall22 | Videos (3) | Channels (0) | Favorites (20) |
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Hi, how are you? I'm find I've been preparing to move so I only go online to watch anime. I didn't even realize that anyone writes me anymore. I'm sorta' antisocial. I generally alienate all those around me. So I only have a few (1) live friend (as oppose to internet friends) with whom I still associate. Being to lazy to think of something clever to say too all my friends; I'm copying and pasting this each and everyone of you. Goodnight/Mornin'!

Posted 16 years ago

CNHall22 | Videos (3) | Channels (0) | Favorites (20) |
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While I don't mind being your friend…might I ask why? I find myself lucky in regards to having gained so many friends, so soon, but I have to ask....What the Hell Do You People See In Me!? Keep all answers short and concise. Remember you are answering for all my Veoh friends (almost my only, since I have stop playing RPG); so make sure your answer is well thought out! When you are finish taking the test put your pencil down and turn your test over. Good Luck!

Posted 16 years ago

daemonblade1229’s Details

December 29


Chicago, IL

Member Since:
17 years ago

Last Login:
14 years ago

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About daemonblade1229
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About Me:

I am a College Student, pseudo-nerd who likes reading fantasy books, playing D&D and going to Anime Conventions. On the flip side, I also enjoy white water rafting, water skiing, sailing, SCUBA diving, and climbing. I'm not joking. I got into all kinds of


Anime, Medieval History, Fantasy Books, Video Games, Extreme Sports, Shooting Sports, Camping and wilderness survival. Combat-skills-reliant games (paint ball, capture the flag in the forest at night in fatigues, etc.) are also a past time of mine. I


House, Heroes, How I Met Your Mother, Law and Order(ranking fav. to not: Orig, C.I., SVU), Anime (Bleach, Naruto, and a lot of others.) Thus far, I have seen at least 1 episode of 259 anime series and for 150 of them I have seen the whole series.


LOTR, Batman Begins, Dark Night, Stalag 17, 10 Things I Hate about You, Big Fish, Benny and Joon, old movies(40's and 50's), all Disney cartoon movies.


Almost anything, but I like orchestrated movie soundtracks (like John Williams stuff), punk, jpop, alternative, and classical music the best. Also a big fan of power metal. Favorite bands: Reliant K, Blind Guardian, Uverworld

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