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21 - 30 of 37 Replies
added: 15 yrs ago


ahahah!!! i wanna see the forums!!!! where can i find them at??

added: 15 yrs ago


well i got a question back to that three countries... japan, usa and england are they affected?

added: 15 yrs ago

ChidoriKakashi friend told me about this and now I'm sad cuz I won't get to talk with her anymore cuz she won't get an e-mail *sigh* T.T

added: 15 yrs ago


WHAT!!!? Are you kidding me!? I had no idea this was going on!! This is total bs! Everyone should have a right to come here no matter what!

added: 15 yrs ago


Well that is a weird decision to make for Veoh, but they must have their reasons. More than likely they are running out of money and decided the best idea would be to discontinue service to certain countries that had the least amount of viewers. Now some people might say that is a stupid idea on their part, but they must be running into some sort of money problems now that they have advertisements before some of the videos. That and with the fact that since Stage6 went down they have to deal with an increase in viewers (when they went down they even posted that the viewers should go to Veoh) which leads to a forced increase in bandwidth. One last thing to say: it pays to be in America, no one discontinues services to us (except for the Middle East...), but instead we discontinue services to others!

added: 15 yrs ago

Freedomno1 manager

Anyways looks like this quote owned your point ^^ "It also means that bandwidth costs will not rise in direct proportion to the number of users" Also seems before stage6 died they recommended everyone to join veoh so your point about bandwidth going up kinda becomes an iffy statement when compared to the info. Though I do appreciate the commentary Xd

added: 15 yrs ago


Might be a form of a preemptive strike, since I remember that Stage6 near its end started saying that the cost of the site was being lowered due to some sort of new Divx version, and it was true, load times were quite a bit faster than before (which made everyone happy), but their downfall was an increase in viewers which lead to a lot more people joining and watching videos. Also another thing about running a business is something called "forecasting". Now how many people in let's say, a month use this site that are new... let's be somewhat reasonable and say 100 (it is hard to actually take an accurate guess, due to someone can create multiple accounts), and let's say the average viewer watches 75 hours of videos a month. That is 157,500 hours in 6 months, just extra (this is not arithmetic, it is geometric, which makes things harder to calculate).

added: 15 yrs ago


Now that it is summer it will get even worse, and running an business over the internet is one of the hardest types of businesses because of many reasons (no real cash flow, very unstable resources, etc). So if you think about in the next three months, yes my statement is completely invalid, but a business has to think in terms of 1-year goals, 5-year goals and 10-year goals and mine is geared for the 5-year goal range. Maybe their idea is wrong, who knows, but they are trying to due what is best (or maybe they felt like screwing with people). And there is one other thing business have to take into affect, worst-case-scenarios. One of them would be the fall of Youtube (that would be really bad... that's like an extra 100,000 viewers instantly).

added: 15 yrs ago

Freedomno1 manager

Hmm Preemptive strike possibly but if so why would they focus it only on a 10% margin of users not the whole pie. Yah I do miss stage6 although the company wasnt anywhere near bankrupt but basically it was disagreement among the board that cause it to fall. Anyways some info from the Stage6 Wiki to provide interesting evidence to the contrary. On February 25, 2008 DivX announced that they would shut down Stage6 on February 28, 2008, stating that they were unable to continue to provide the attention and resources required for its continued operation.A day later than stated, Stage6 ceased to operate, directing users to a Veoh welcome page designed specifically for the purpose of receiving the Stage6 community. On March 11, 2008 DivX Inc. disclosed "significant costs" and "potential copyright litigation" as the primary considerations leading to the shutdown of Stage6.

added: 15 yrs ago

Freedomno1 manager

LiveUniverse Inc.'s offer On February 25, 2008 LiveUniverse Inc. offered to acquire Stage6 prior to the site being shutdown by DivX. The offer consists of 3 million USD lump sum, 5 million USD in online advertising credits for DivX to use on the their sites and a 10% equity stake in the new entity. If, after three years, DivX should decide to cash out its stake, LiveUniverse would pay a minimum of 3 million USD for it. The net payment would total to 11 million USD. However, after LiveUniverse made its first offer, DivX Board refused to engage in any direct dialogue for over 5 days, during which it shut down Stage6. Kinda Interesting They were offered a way out but didnt take it so this leads me to the next point

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