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Hi everyone & welcome to my AMMG( Anime Music Mania Group). Rules for AMMG: 1) no episodes 2)no non anime related material(like porn) 3)only anime op/ed, anime AMV's or asian music(Jpop, Kpop etc) are allowed. Follow those three simple rules and you will be fine. Other than that hope u enjoy!!! :)

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11 - 20 of 141 Replies
added: 15 yrs ago


Haha, thought you were a boy at first but since your girl, I would have thought that you had more common sense.

added: 15 yrs ago


See this is exactly what i'm talking about. This bitch is crazy and then talking to grayman89 and Zaraki like that and he don't even know them like that. He's is the rude one. I'm going to report this to devmocchi65 asap because his ass only joined her group to try and come at me and i know she aint going to have that!!!

added: 15 yrs ago


Now to EmbieRochelle I don't care that he put the PM up but the principal behind it is what i was telling everyone abotu dumbass. Your not even a member of AMMG so why are you coming her to protect that bitch. Why don't continue to waste your life away and make shitty layouts for everyone like you've been doing bitch!!!

added: 15 yrs ago


They chose to disrespect me (Grayman insulted my Mother and will pay with video humiliation, and he didn't even know me) so I have the right to defend myself with the new Response to Haters video, which is what Veoh is for.... videos, not drama. Which I make and you don't. NOW, you're honestly telling all of us that I don't have the right to defend my Mother's dignity against a stranger? I think you're crazy. Since you lied and made this thread for attn, you are more so. But we can all read the links and tell you deserved to be banned for unwarranted rudeness, which I don't tolerate to my members.

added: 15 yrs ago


ShishioKagezuchi is not a asshole .

added: 15 yrs ago


Did you just call Embie the B word when you don't do anything for anyone?! Shows the kind of person you are, when she didn't say anything near that level to you, just the honest truth. btw who started this? YOU. Lets be honest. You broke rules without reviewing them, made drama in my group when you could have PMed me, then insulted people who tried to inform you, sent me hate mail, insulted Embie... just give up MsFay, you're wrong and making a fool of yourself.

added: 15 yrs ago


Ah, I am a member of this group and I am very good member. I'm a good friend of Shishio and I take it as a great offense when he is called names that he doesn't deserve. You have problems with him, you are going to have problems with me. And I am not wasting my life away. I'm actually doing something other than harassing people on the internet. You need to just quit it. It's so stupid. I have had someone place a message up that I sent but I didn't bawl and complained. Jeez, grow up.

added: 15 yrs ago


tell you wut, get some proof on that b4 you do anything crazy, the last thing we need is a catastrophe that will embaras you, you just seem to have some rage at him... why? if you think hes not running things like he shud, write down your complaints and put them in the suggestion box located conveniently in the center of any fireplace. why not just create your own group? ... oh im sorry, your succes rate isnt as high as shisho's so i guess it wud be an epic FAIL on your part. just let it go already, he won... deal with it. or go to youtube and hang with the other haters, you'll fit in well there. :)

added: 15 yrs ago


omg! don't talk about shisio that way! just suck it up like a little good boy u are. I mean seriously how old r u to make insults just because he banned you for insulting one of his members and for calling you retarded. are u like an 8 year old or something? you should know retarded is a little word that only little big cry babies get offended by. hahaha oh im sorry i didnt notice that you ACTUALLY are an 8 year old. where did u learn the word asshole from? your mother? or ur just using it because you think its a back word. i mean seriously. just suck it up dick

added: 15 yrs ago


i think u guys should calm down a little.

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