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Wosret | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (6) |
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I agree, though theology is to philosophy what alchemy is to chemistry...christian mythology is nothing like formal academic philosophy. I think you're right, that the mythology offers several concepts that manga and anime writers take advantage of in their themes and stories.

Posted 15 years ago

Wosret | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (6) |
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A western concept of the supernatural is not quite the same as an eastern one. We draw distinctions where they do not. I think this is something western philosophy has as a point of progression ahead of eastern. Though, just for good measure, I think that eastern philosophy is a lot more progressed than western philosophy in moral and ethical contexts. I believe the reason for this is because when western philosophy began to brake off from a superstitious mode of thought, and separate itself from religion, it took a naturalistic and analytical approach. Focusing on formalizing methods for investigating the world, and answering questions about the objective world. Science later broke off from philosophy, though they still are quite chummy. Eastern philosophy more focused on solving ethical and moral problems outside of a superstitious context. So while western philosophy become incompatible with religious supernatural ideas, eastern philosophy did not. Or at least that is my arm-chair speculation.

Posted 15 years ago

Wosret | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (6) |
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As for the supernaturalism. I don't really think that it is hugely christian influence for this. It is said of the Japanese that they are baptized in a Shinto temple, married in a Church, and have a Buddhist funeral service. They are the second largest secular state, with a 60% atheist population. Undoubtably this is because they have a large amount of Buddhists. The reason for the supernatural undertones is because historically eastern culture and philosophy has not seen the natural/supernatural dichotomy that western philosophers have. They tend to use supernaturalism as a class of thing that they don't understand, and anything that they don't understand fits inside of this, which includes science and technology.

Posted 15 years ago

Wosret | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (6) |
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I tend to not keep things to myself. I am glad that you told me you replied to my comments, I did not receive e-mail confirmation of this for some reason. Makes me wonder how many times it doesn't send e-mail confirmation... I haven't seen Ghost in the shell yet, though I do keep getting it recommended to me, and always by intelligent people, so I do have plans to watch it. I also heard that Richard Dawkins' "The Selfish Gene" is shown on someone desk or something in one of the episodes.

Posted 15 years ago

KatieKissnGiggles | Videos (6) | Channels (4) | Favorites (17) |
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ya that was it I cried too I love them so much they're so kawaii i even cried when they came back lol

Posted 15 years ago

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