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ShishioKagezuchi | Videos (31) | Channels (7) | Favorites (187) |
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and btw I'm looking for that song off MD Geist that went "dangerous! most dangerous!" its called "Honoo no Violence", or "Violence of the Flame" or "Honoo No Baiorensu" but I haven't had any luck finding an MP3; this is the first time this has happened lol. and damn I've been getting suggestions while searching sites and there's so much crap music man. I found this video of a bunch of people skating but the song was Sugar Ray-ish... SO GAY -.- I used to hang with skaters, they don't listen to that shit!

Posted 15 years ago

ShishioKagezuchi | Videos (31) | Channels (7) | Favorites (187) |
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hmm idk what to tell you; can you tell me as much as possible about the video and did you do the pb thing perfectly without muting it or something? Also was the visual of GS ED itself at the start of the video; maybe that flags it. Also once a video is blacklisted its audio is too, even if it has been peanut buttered, so it will not go through. btw do you like Zelda, Angry Video Game Nerd is reviewing that CD-i Phillips thing that made the extremely rare third-party Zelda games that are supposed to be among the worst games ever. Right now he's only done the Mario games on it.

Posted 15 years ago

aznstonerd | Videos (4) | Channels (0) | Favorites (8) |
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What is this, like, the fifth time? Heard you have a back-up as well. How long till your entire series is up again?

Posted 15 years ago

ShishioKagezuchi | Videos (31) | Channels (7) | Favorites (187) |
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lol dude don't go to a page on ED called "2girls1cup" after eating.

Posted 15 years ago

ShishioKagezuchi | Videos (31) | Channels (7) | Favorites (187) |
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yeah man there were like 5,000 papers maybe on Mininova a year ago. they also have anime song torrents. Its people just like you and me making these torrents too. oh and if you want to promote yourself, I have a list of people you can invite, its divided into lines so you copy each line into the send part of the video and then send and go to the next line. I can send you this list of invites if you want it'll get you a 1,000 views in the start. but you should have some kind of trivia or comedy intro to get people to come back or want more, thats a big help.

Posted 15 years ago

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December 19



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