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  • Updated: 6 years ago
  • Videos: 26
  • Viewable: US Only

Glass Fleet

In the dark reaches of time and space, an age of oppression smothered the masses, a revolution stirs as the People's Army rises up to begin their march toward freedom. Led by Michel Volban, a heroic rebel of stout heart, they seek a true victory for the people! They seek to cast off the reigns of the self-proclaimed Holy Emperor, Vetti Sforza. Head of a corrupt ruling class, Vetti will attempt to unite the very heavens under his rule! As a hero is sought from among the stars, one arrives with the glint of glass against the galaxies. Cleo Corbeille, Pilot of a sleek battleship of long lost technologies and its rogue crew of pirates, descendent of the fallen Royal Family. Together, they might fail, but they will not go quietly! Two men, two souls, both driven by the same prophecy.

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