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31 - 37 of 37 Replies
added: 15 yrs ago

Freedomno1 manager

TechCrunch report According to the web-news blog TechCrunch, the prime reason for the shutdown were not the Stage6-generated bandwidth costs (approx. 1 Million USD per month), but an internal conflict on the DivX, Inc. board. The site states that DivX, Inc. would have been close to breaking-even solely with the income from the Yahoo Toolbar (approx. 8 Million USD per year), distributed with DivX Web Player, and gain extra profits from other deals with their investors. The reason for the decline of the deal is described by TechCrunch as a "Serious Drama, And Lots of Stupidity" pointing out that DivX Inc.'s stock has hit its newest low on the date of the shutdown. While bandwidth may have palyed a considerable factor their seems to be justifiable evidence that stage6 would not have been required to shutdown due to the rising costs.

added: 15 yrs ago

Freedomno1 manager

Anyways To continue even when forecastng costs if a big company assists a small company it grows take googles aquisiton of youtube as an example if stage6 had taken the deal they would have probally still existed and the forecasting would be done by Liveuniverse forecasters who could afford to pay and maintatin site costs. Yes I'll say Summer will cause an influx in costs but if any of the above information still pertains advertisments and investing money would keep the site above the red mark. I will admit that resources are very unstable using the internet but they do maintain a steady cash flow actually from legit sites like yahoo in stage6's case.

added: 15 yrs ago

Freedomno1 manager

Anyways their idea is interesting in a world of Globalization going back to select countrys seems 20th century.(Hmm Maybe you have a point their they do enjoy their jokes oh so much ^^) Anyways Beside worst case scenarios we have to see another factor you missed Public Relations if the company loses the support of its consumers it will fail in the market world. Bad PR=Bad Sales so in the long run if I were a company how would it look if I restricted use and selling of my product in certain countries just because their isnt as much market value at the time. Say 5 years later the economy their improves and I want to sell my product their because I wouldn't sell them a product before would they be so accepting to have me sell it now? Anyways if youtube fell Im saying more like 10 million more users to veoh ^^ (cough most of us are already here hehe) Anyways thanks for making me think using real world applications can be interesting indeed.

added: 15 yrs ago


In reply to thelostspirit101, England has not been affected I should know I am from England, though saying that, what I should be saying is England has not been affected....YET.

added: 15 yrs ago

Freedomno1 manager

In retrospect since Im refering to 20th century colonism England is the UK empire ^^ so its not going away lol

added: 15 yrs ago


Katekyo Hitman Reborn

added: 15 yrs ago


NARUTO NARUTO NARUTO im sorry im such a fanatic when it comes to naruto

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