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Favorite Anything

Post your favorite stuff here ^^ It can be your favorite show, genre, band, or your favorite videos! It doesn't really matter what it is as long as it's your favorite thing. You are not limited to a certain thing. Go ahead and add any video you want and post any topic! Have fun! =]

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago

YuriLove69 manager

Okay, I'm a forum whore so I've been through many forums in clans and in so called "groups" or "teams" and there was always a fun and random game to play. So, now I'll introduce a game you probably already know (if you have no life) and have fun ^^ Okay, It's a three word story, I'll start the story by using three (3) words only and someone else will continue it using only three words too. No one is allowed to use more than three or less than three and the story doesn't have to make sense as long as it's fun. So be creative, use your imagination, and for the love of god, PLAY! Once someone else has added their three words to the story, you're allowed to add yet another three to it and so on and so on. Have fun ^^

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


anyone here like super smash bros. brawl? no. 1 game on the wii.

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago

YuriLove69 manager

Is that really about what I think it is? It looks like an Ova since it's like 40 something minutes long but it looks very interesting.

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago

YuriLove69 manager

Someone please make me laugh or send me a virus to have something to entertain myself with.

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


I feel so old...but what do the kids mean when they say "random" these days? I don't understand. They tend to use the word to refer to things that are often the opposite of random. I can't figure out what they mean. Like someone will say "that AMV was random". But AMVs are made with an idea in mind, video, and music, or audio set with it that is meant to cohere with the video in a meaningful way. Which is the exact opposite of random. I just saw a AMV that said "by random destination studios" yet they make AMVs, and are a studio? That appears to contradict itself. I'm not at all saying that people aren't allowed to use words how they want to, but can someone please fill me into what the new meaning of the word is?

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago

YuriLove69 manager

Enlighten us with your knowledge Mitchell ^^ And no I'm not teasing you :P

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago

YuriLove69 manager

LMFAO, insanely funny ^^ I only wish it were longer but I guess I wouldn't watch it so many times if it was. If you haven't seen it yet, it was added to the group by TheNekoLover and it's called "Clannad AMV - Do You Like Waffles" You must watch it!

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago

YuriLove69 manager

Instead of looking for vids to add just click on "Add Video" and add every single video from your favorites!!! It's as simple as that!!!! GAWD!

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


Well, I thought it would be fun to share your interests with the people here than just the people your know. It can be anything you're deeply interested in. Perhaps your want to share your favorite music, or maybe you want to talk about your favorite show, or maybe your just an old pervert like Chris who wants to share hentai. So please tell your interests~

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago

YuriLove69 manager

Well, welcome and have fun ^^ You already know what this group is all about. Make any topic(s) you want!. Add any video(s) you want! Just have fun and show everyone else what you like!

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