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Book Research

This is just a place I created to find videos easily for my book research, aka the books I write. Most of it is just history stuff but some of it is other stuff. I made this for me but I welcome anyone else who might enjoy it and maybe help with the gathering of information.

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


Here's the first of some odd stuff I know; Vampires stuff= Strigoi-romanian, means both a living sorcerer and a vampire. Folklore seems to indicate that being a sorcerer in life lead to becoming a vampire, hence the connection. The original dracula by bram stoker was probably a strigoi as he shows the ability summon storms. The bat was a recent addition to the vampire legend--19th century at best. Changing into a wolf was common, as were cats, ravens, and rats. In one rare traditions ...believe it or not... butterflies. From Russia the Vukodlak was a buy one get two monster. He was a werewolf who turned into a vampire when he died.

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


XD i got bored and went drowsing and founs this i figured y not help u make this more popular im so nice XD

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago

MousieSoshie manager

Well since I'm getting some members in this group, I thought I should probably post at least one message in it. First of all welcome. Also, I only check this group about once every two weeks because its more of a reference thing for me to store videos I might find useful for writing my books. If you find videos of historical value, mostly documentaries, feel free to add them. Also anything dealing with mythology of any origin or videos relating to vampires - not anime or movies but testimonies, information type things or whatever - I think you get the general idea. ^_^

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